
Simon’s knowledge on anatomy and how the body moves as a system is outstanding. He really understands motor patterning of muscles and is able to identify problem areas and dysfunction in the Pilates session. This is a great attribute that as a physiotherapist I value when I send a client to Simon’s Class. I know they are in good hands.

Kate Brocklehurst


Simon is one of those rare individuals that has outstanding focus and determination, achieving his first degree black belt in a little over 2 years. But he didn’t stop there he is now 5th degree black belt and determined to go on and beyond. To have this zest for advancement and development is due to Simon’s understanding of the human body, through personal injury experience and management. He is an outstanding role model to his peers and students and will be for years to come. All the best with “Best Balance”

Master Ron Claassens – 7th Dan Chief Instructor/Examiner
Institute of Modern Tae Kwon do

I wanted to participate in a cross country mountain bike race and had 12 weeks to go. I had been attending Simon’s exercise ball class for almost a year (with great results to my previously bad lower back pain) and thought that I might ask Simon’s help to prepare. Simon and I had an initial consultation where we went through my goals and took my details, I started this process at a weight of 84.5 kg and 89 cm waist. Simon wrote me out a week to week training schedule, building up to the event and assisted me with a diet plan. By the date of the event I had lost 8kg and 8cm from my waist, and came 2nd and 3rd in my first 2 races !! Without Simon’s program and assistance there is no way I could have achieved these results.

I would highly recommend Simon to anyone who suffers lower back pain, would like to tone and lose weight or just improve overall fitness.

Jon Staniland

I’ve been doing Simon’s classes for more than two years and I’m healthier and fitter than I ever was after giving birth to my son.

The first thing that attracted me to his classes was the convenience factor. I joined a gym for a couple of years but was never consistent because of the travelling time & found it hard to get motivated after a long day of work. After I had baby and moved further away I basically stopped going to the gym. Luckily I got introduced to Simon’s classes which are just 2 minutes walk from my work and I can go during my lunch break! Breaking up a long day from sitting at the computer screen, I have the choice of going for either a calm and warm stretch (yoga) or a hot and sweaty workout (kick-boxing), how good is that!

That leads me to another more important point that I like about Simon’s classes – balance. I do 3 classes a week including yoga, kick-boxing and Fitball which covers flexibility, cardio and strength enhancement, improving your body in all aspects. I’ve absolutely seen the benefits & results of doing all these classes consistently. I used to get sick almost every month. I just wanted to collapse when I got home and had no energy whatsoever to do anything else. But since I started doing Simon’s classes I’ve made gradual improvement on my core strength, eliminated my back pain, toned my body, shed a few kilos and most of all improved my health. I don’t get sick that often and I’ve got energy left at the end of the day to endure the housework and play with my little boy! I’m feeling really good about myself!

The other thing about Simon’s classes is it’s ever evolving and improving and tailored to his student’s needs. He structures the classes in a way that everybody at different fitness and skill level can benefit. Equipped with his patience and his knowledge in fitness, nutrition and human body which he passes on to the participants during the sessions, it’s never boring to come to Simon’s classes and he endeavours to bring health and happiness back to your life again!

I am a 71 year old woman and have been lucky enough to be doing exercises for seniors with Simon since I was 64. I have found him very professional and knowledgeable about all forms of exercise for seniors. He is also very good at helping with particular needs when required. I attend classes with him weekly and I know that this has helped me keep my mobility and confidence. I like the format of his classes, doing all forms of exercise that help me keep fit, improve balance and contribute greatly to my quality of life.

Giselle Dawson

I am a regular student in Simon’s gentle exercise class “Active Movers” at Willoughby Leisure Centre for the last 4 years.

Simon taught us some basic but important Tai Chi Movements, stretching exercises, gentle aerobics, use of dumbbells, elastic bands, balls and other simple equipments.

Simon is highly caring and he makes learning fun and manageable. After I attended Simon’s classes, my health improved and I can get up from the floor more easily.

Simon fully understands the problems of elderly people, and he has empathy of all his students. All students love Simon and have great respect of him.

Simon also runs Yoga classes and aqua aerobics classes too. I also join his yoga classes sometime. Simon is a master and a teacher of Taekwondo (Korean Martial Arts). Simon is indeed a teacher of many disciplines. He is keen in promoting good health and good lifestyle to people of all ages especially to the elderly and to the sick.

I strongly recommend Simon to my friends.

Patrick Siu (high school teacher)

Thank you for your “Gentle Exercise” classes.

I was on holiday touring a city in Japan, the day was hot and we had been walking a lot, I arrived back at the hotel looking forward to relax. I thought I’d have a nice bath. I usually take showers. Well having got into the bath which was quite deep, I enjoyed a good soak. I then had to contemplate how to get out. I had thoughts like Gosh! do I call someone from the hotel to get me out? Here is where our lesson from Simon’s class kicked in. I remembered how he had instructed us how to get up from the floor, so I applied it to this situation. I turned and got on my knees, and thought well I’ve got that far, then I used all my strength to raise myself up with the help of the side of the bath, and was so pleased to get out all in one piece and relaxed having achieved it.

I also took with me the stretch band I had bought, this kept me up to date with the strength and stretching exercises we all do in his classes. This band is easy to pack, doesn’t take up any room and a very useful tool when on holiday.