Get Fit Kids - 8 Week Program
This 8-week fitness program is a great way for your child to increase cardio, strength, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.

Program Principles
This general fitness/strength class is aimed to complement and enhance other sporting activities children already do.
It includes all aspects of Fitness - cardio, strength, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.
The program works on areas that other sports don't have time for, such as:
Proper technique
Core strength
Overall muscle endurance
Most importantly, kids will get the opportunity to do exercises they love doing - such as:
Simon Duncan was destined to be a fitness guru having been involved in sport all his life. From 6 to 16 he played soccer & represented Brisbane at the State Championships 3 years in a row. He was also the standout performer in high school for both athletics & swimming.
After high school, Simon started going to the gym but it wasn’t providing enough mental stimulation. His best mate Craig encouraged him to start up Taekwondo&as they say “the rest is history”. Since his commencement in 1995, he has achieved 5th Degree Black Belt.
In 2002, soon after achieving his Black Belt, Simon began teaching Taekwondo& is still teaching today. Simon is a Senior Instructor with the Institute of Modern Taekwondo (IMT) ¤tly runs 5 clubs across the Northern Beaches & Northshore. See timetable for further information.
In 2007, after studying diligently at home for 2 years (on top of his full-time office job), Simon became a qualified Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer. He also has qualifications to teach Older Adults, Aqua Aerobics & Pilates. In 2011, he made the move from working in the office to full-time Fitness/Martial Arts Instructor & has never looked back.
Simon knows to be a good teacher you must be a good role model. Simon is now in his 40’s & is in superior physical condition. He believes the key is training smart (not hard) &making healthy lifestyle choices. Simon is continually training, studying & learning to further his knowledge & provide his clients/students with the safest, latest & most effective exercises. Simon has the ability to teach people from 4 years old to 94. Simon has a wealth of knowledge & experience.
“Simon Say’s” the secret to maintaining a busy schedule without burning out is getting the balance right. Work hard &rest hard! Ensure your exercise program is balanced & complemented with good nutrition &quality rest. This was the vision behind his business name Best Balance Health & Fitness.
Simon uses Sunday to re-energise spending quality time with his wife Neary & daughters Inari, Sarayah & Aniyah.
Program Time & Dates
4:00pm - 5:00pm, Every Tuesday
Start: 4th of August
Finish: 22nd of September
Week 1: 4th of August
Week 2: 11th of August
Week 3: 18th of August
Week 4: 25th of August
Week 5: 1st of September
Week 6: 8th of September
Week 7: 15th of September
Week 8: 22nd of September
Program Location
Best Balance Studio - 2/543 Pittwater Road, Brookvale
Get The Best Value For Money
Standard Rate
Weekly - $18 per lesson including GST
Overall - $158
Get Fit Kids 8 Week Program (Standard)
Buy 8 Week Class = $158
Discounted Rate: (Must have 2 children completing the program)
Weekly - $18 per lesson including GST with a 10% discount
Overall - $144
Get Fit Kids 8 Week Program (Discounted):
Buy 8 Week Class = $144
This class is registered with Active Kids Program so can use your 2nd Active Kids Voucher (which is available from 1 July)
This means you can get a $100 discount when you get your Active Kids Voucher!
Additional Information
For those at Brookvale Public School, Simon is able to pick up your children from the school and walk them to the Gym as per arrangements for Taekwondo on Mondays.